Copenhagen Pub Guide
beer bars - pubs - brewpubs
Introduction | |
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Copenhagen: paradise regained? I finally made it back to Copenhagen. The changes since my last visit were a shock, but for once a pleasant one. On my last visit in the late 1990´s, there was very little decent beer, with the exception of a few locally-brewed porters. Mostly your choice was limited to Carlsberg or Tuborg pils. The turning point came in 1998 with the foundation of Danske Ølentusiaster , Denmark´s beer consumers´organisation. Their success in attracting members and educating the public is an example to campaigners everywhere. Specialist beer bars began to appear: Charlie´s, Gulliver´s, Tatoverede Enke. At first they concentrated on imported British, Belgian or German beer. Not surprising, as there was very little Danish beer worth bothering with. But with consumer demand and retail outlets established, microbreweries followed. A trickle of craft beer turned into a flood. In 2000, there were a mere 18 breweries, of which around half were controlled by Heineken or Royal Unibrew. In the last 5 years these have been joined by 31 new micronbreweries and brewpubs, leaving Denmark with an impressive 48 breweries for its 5 million people. That's the equivalent of 470 breweries in the UK. At the current rate of expansion, they should hit 100 this decade. The reaction of local monopolist Carlsberg was surprising: they started microbrewing themselves. With their Semper Ardens series, they brewed beers aimed at the new, more discerning, type of beer drinker. Perfectly logical, you might say. But take a look at similar global brewers elsewhere. You don´t see Heineken or Inbev brewing an IPA or an Imperial Barley Wine. Copenhagen pubs The city now has half a dozen top-class beer bars, four brewpubs and several excellent specialist beer shops. Even the supermarkets have a good choice of quality beers, partly courtesy of Carlsberg who import Brooklyn Brewery´s full range. Most pubs have four or five beers on draught, though these are usually just Carlsberg´s mainstream efforts. With beers from Belgium, Britain, the USA, Sweden, Germany and Norway, Copenhagen´s specialist outlets offer a breadth of choice rarely seen elsewhere. Your biggest problem is likely to be deciding where to start. I left each bar with a long list of beers I still wanted to try. Copenhagen is becoming one of Europe´s top beer-drinking destinations. I think the credit goes to Danske Ølentusiaster - a very active and well-supported (over 10,000 members) organisation. Why not go and give them some support? |
Copenhagen beer festival Danske Ølentusiaster organise an annual beer festival in Copenhagen. This was the next edition: Københavnske Øldage Location:Valby Hallen Date: 20th - 22nd May 2005 Opening times: Friday 20th 16:00 - 23:00, Saturday 21st 12:00 - 23:00, Sunday 22nd 12:00 - 18:00 |
Explanation I was inspired to write my original guide by (and used as a source) an article in "Maltesen" the magazine of Svenska Ölfrämjandet. It was written by Bo Kallmar and detailed a couple of bars selling British cask-conditioned beer in Copenhagen. Very helpfully, it gave some useful tips on where to find more information on the web about drinking in Denmark. The Nordic countries have always led the way in the information technology revolution (translation: they've all been wired up to the web for yonks). I blame those long winter nights. As you will see below, most of the pubs have their own website. The site of Danske Ølentusiaster is a mine of useful information: all the Danish breweries and the beers they brew; lists of specialist beer bars in different Danish towns. It puts the CAMRA site to shame. For a homebound researcher like myself, the computer literacy of these countries gives me easy access to a mass of accurate, up-to-date information. |
Pubs |
Alumen Bar | |
Sølvgade 103A, 1307 Copenhagen. Tel: 3314 0099 Email |
Opening hours: Mon-Wed 16:00-24:00, Thur 16:00-01:00, Fri-Sat 12:00-03:00, Sun 12:00-22:00 |
Number of draught beers: 12 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-130 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks. | |
A very interesting beer selection, with a mixture of British,
Belgian and Anerican beers. The Scandinavian beers include ones from Nøgne
Ø and Ørbæk. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Bryggeriet Apollo | |
Vesterbrogade 3, 1620 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 12 33 13 Email: Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Mon-Thu 11:30-01:10, Fri-Sat 11:30-02:00, Sun & public holidays 15:00-24:00 |
Number of draught beers: 2 | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
![]() It's a modern, low building which is very light inside from all the glass walls. Though the exterior is very contemporary in its design and choice of textures, inside there is considerable use of more natural materials such as exposed brickwork and, of course, the ubiquitous pine furniture. Downstairs in the cellar, is a large room fitted out with long tables and benches. Outside on the street, which happens to be one of Copenhagen's main thoroughfares, there is ample seating. Somehow, on a mild, sunny day, the egotists spitting out noise pollution from their motor vehicles just aren't as irritating as they ought to be. The copper brewing vessels are located inside the drinking areas. They are reputed to have bought their equipment from the DDR in 1989. If I correctly recall the East German way of engineering, they should last a century or two. There is only one regular brew, a reasonable, if slightly dull, beer in the pils style. The other seasonal and one-off beers have been much more interesting - a tasty stout of a very respectable strength comes to mind. The brewer has shown an admirable commitment to experimenting with different styles.. In a country where craft brewing is such a tiny section of the market, it's obviously worth checking out one of the rare examples. The company in charge here runs a similar establishment in Århus. I apologise for the low quality of the photos of this pub. I know I have decent ones somewhere, but keeping my archive in any sort of order is becoming a major problem. I have a simple proposal - extend the day to 48 hours and I'll have time enough to fulfill all my commitments. |
Rating: ** | Public transport: |
BrewPub København | |
Vestergade 29, 1456 København K. Tel.: 33 32 00 60 |
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Opening hours: Sun - Wed 12:00 - 24:00, Thur - Sat 12:00 - 02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 11 | |
Number of bottled beers: 30 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. Beer 45-50 DEK per pint. | |
Copenhagen's newest brewpub. The first house-brewed beer
came on stream in Spring 2005. As well as their own products they also have beer from other Scandinavian micros (including the legendary Nøgne Ø), both in bottle and on draught. Very sporting of them. They also have 5 beers from New York's renowned Brooklyn Brewery. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Byens Kro | |
Møntergade 8, 1116 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 12 55 89 Fax: Homepage: |
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 15:00-02:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 3 | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
It's an art to create a website that contains pretty much
none of the information that anyone interested in your business would want
to know. For that reason, it was a marginal decision to include this pub.
I would dearly love some more definite information about their beer selection.
With a touch of good fortune, they may even liven up their site a little. What little I know of their beer, is that it includes Tuborg, the good one from Svaneke Bryghus and Thisted Bryghus and something very new from the restarted Ørbæk Bryggeri. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Charlie's Bar | |
Pilestræde 33, 1112 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 32 22 89 Fax: Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12:00 - 24:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 16 (including 6 cask ales) | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
![]() I'm not easily moved, but the sight of a bank of 6 handpumps brought a tear to my cynical eye. Just to prove they're really used,the ceiling is covered in pump clips. It's surprisingly pub-like in feel. I say surprisingly, because few supposedly English pubs ever get vaguely close to the genuine atmosphere. That includes most contemporary British pubs. On the way to the toilets you can admire the casks, piled up in glass display cases. Shortage of space, you know. Obviously the emphasis is on British cask ales, but Danish micros also get a look in. The proprietor, Iain Russel, also owns The Wharf in Ålborg. Both have Cask Marque accreditation. |
Rating: ***** | Public transport: |
Den Tatoverede Enke | |
Baron Boltens Gaard Gothersgade 8B,
1123 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 91 88 77 Fax: Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Mon 16:00-24:00, Tue-Thu 16:00-01:00, Fri-Sat 16:00-02:00, Sunday closed |
Number of draught beers: 16 | |
Number of bottled beers: 65 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals 299 DEK for a 4-course menu, draught (Belgian) beer is 28-45 DEK for 0.25 or 0.33l. | |
This pub is hidden away in a courtyard (Baron Boltens Gaard)
which you enter from Gothersgade 8B. That's why the street address looks
so long. Inside it pretty modern and stylish. Looks pretty modern and stylish
inside. As you can see from the draught beer list, it concentrates on Belgian
beers. Though I guess that the prices would be a bit of a shock to anyone
visiting from Belgium. As if the cosy bar wasn't enough, upstairs there's a a far larger and more elegant restaurant. It majors on beer cuisine and easily matches the standard of most similar Belgian establishments. There's a beer menu designed to complement the set menu, but it's possible to eat and drink a la carte, should you so wish. I advise anyone visiting Copenhagen to eat here at least once. The bottled beers include 13 traditional lambics! There are about another 50 Belgian beers including such good ones as: Westvleteren, Achel, Moinette and Caracole. It's a selection of beers that you would be hard pressed to find in anything but the most specialised café in Belgium. |
Rating: ***** | Public transport: |
Færgekroen | |
Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København V (Copenhagen). Tel: 33 12 94 12 Fax: 33 93 59 77 Email: |
Opening hours: Mon - Sun 12:00-19:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 2 | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks 50-100 DEK, meals 150-200 DEK. | |
A new brewpub inside
Tivoli. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Hviids Vinstue | |
Kongens Nytorv 19 kld., 1050 København K. Tel.: 33 15 10 64 Fax: 33 15 10 64 Email: |
Opening hours: • Sun - Thur 10:00 - 01:00, Fri -Sat 10:00 - 02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 2 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-25 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
A cellar bar which was founded in 1723. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Izbushka | |
Rømersgade 9, 1362 København K Tel: 3312 8105 Fax: Email: |
Opening hours: Wed - Mon 17:00 - 22:00, Thursday closed |
Number of draught beers: 0 | |
Number of bottled beers: 4 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks 20-60 DEK, 50-180 DEK meals. Beer 29-39 DEK for 0.5l | |
A Russian restaurant that also sells Russian drinks. It has 11 vodkas, 5 champagnes, 6 brandies. And 4 beers, from Zhiguliovskoye and Baltika. | |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Kareten | |
Hollænderdybet 1, 2300 København S. Tel: 3254 9550 Fax: Email: |
Opening hours: Mon - Sat 17:00 - 23:00, Sun 17:00 - 22:30. |
Number of draught beers: 12 | |
Number of bottled beers: 70 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks 60-80 DEK, meals 130-250 DEK. | |
A fairly posh restaurant in a nice old building. It also has 90 single malt whiskies. | |
Rating: | Public transport: |
McGonigle | |
Halmtorvet 10, København 1700. Tel: 3331 2183 Fax: Email: |
Opening hours: Sun - Wed 14:00 - 24:00, Thurs, Sat 14:00 - 02:00, Fri 11:00 - 02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 10 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-100 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Beer 38-45 DEK for 0.5l | |
Beer pub seeling 30 Belgian beers, 30 Danish, 48 other, mostly from the UK, Germany and the Czech Republic. | |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Lord Nelson | |
Hyskenstræde 9, 1207 Copenhagen K. Tel: 33 93 93 94 |
Opening hours: Mon - Thurs 16.00 - 24.00, Fri 13.00 - 24.00, Sat 12.00 - 24.00, Sun 13.00 - 24.00 |
Number of draught beers: 12 (all Danish) | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
Copenhagen's newest specialist beer bar. It features beer
from Danish micros Brøckhouse, Ørbæk, Herslev and Ølfabrikken. Not an imitation English pub!!! |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Nørrebro Bryghus | |
Ryesgade 3, 2100 Copenhagen. Tel: 3530 0530 Fax: 3530 0531 Email: Homepage: |
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:00-24:00 Thu - Sun 11:00-24:00 (Winter) |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. Prices:Beer 45 DEK 40 cl., food 175 - 350 DEK (3 or 4 course meal) |
Nørrebro Bryghus is a brewpub housed in a 19th century metal
factory. It's located, as the name suggests, in the northern Copenhagen
suburb of Nørrebro. The pub is spread over two floors and there is also an outside seating area in the Summer. It sells a range of Belgian, French, German and Czech beer in addition to those brewed in-house. The selection of French Biere de Garde is a particularly unusual find in this part of the world. They've brewed beers in some interesting styles - tripel IPA, Abbey Dubbel , a framboise, a Vienna style amber lager. An ecelctic bunch, the brewers have drawn inspiration form Bohemia, Belgium, Britain and the USA. |
Rating: **** | Public transport: |
Nyhavn 17 | |
Nyhavn 17, 1051 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 12 54 19 Fax: Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Sun-Thu 10:00 - 02:00, Fri-Sat 10:00 - 03:00 |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers:15 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks, meals. Draught beer 38-42 DEK for 0.4l | |
Nyhavn 17 is in a building from around 1700 that sits on the
charming little harbour in the centre of Copenhagen. It has been a pub since
1936 and would have thought ample time had elapsed to select a more imaginative
name. Someone should tell them that it's just their address. I have a vague impression of having drunk outside it, but there are so many similar pubs along the harbour that I can't be certain. But, somehow the crappy name does ring a bell. October to March it hosts a beer tasting every month. The bottles include some good Belgian jobs and Franziskaner wheat beers. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Old English Pub | |
Vesterbrogade 28, 1620 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 32 19 21 Fax: 33 32 19 21 Email: Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Mon-Thu 11:30-02:30, Fri-Sat 11:30-04:30, Sun 11:30-02:30 |
Number of draught beers: 11 | |
Number of bottled beers: 15 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. |
I'm usually reluctant to include imitation Irish/British pubs
in my guides. They can be dismal places, especially ones with names as awful
as this has. Your first impression as you enter is likely to be: is this
where all those stolen Birmingham gin palace interiors have ended up? The
quality of the carved mahogany and frosted glass is stunning. All the bits
really do come form British boozers, hopefully not looted from a boarded
up one. It doesn't do a bad job of using diverse looted elements to create a Victorian pub type atmosphere. It stretches back an awfully long way and is deceptively large. There are an impressive number of draught beers, including a name that evokes a great deal of nostalgia, but not of a pleasant kind. Double Diamond - it really still exists. Where the hell would they be brewing it? Did Coors or Interbrew get the brand? Could we give a shit? Reputedly, Double Diamond was, in the distant past, a classy premium pale ale. The keg revolution devalued it to a bad joke of a beer. Note that some of the familiar English brands are of greater strength than in the UK. The Danish draughts at least aren't the usual suspects from Carlsberg. My recommendation is go for the stout, when drinking Danish. You get a lot more alcohol for your money than with pils. Most of them, even the ones from Carlsberg, are a pretty good attempt at a bottom-fermented Baltic-style stout. Returning to the beer range, the bottled stuff is Danish and foreign, though from exactly which bit of foreign is as good your guess as mine. From the way the draught beer is referred to as "English" on their website, we can probably narrow it down to somewhere in continental Europe. It first opened in 1992 and gets extremely crowded at times. |
Rating: ** | Public transport: |
Ølbaren | |
Elmegade 2, 2200 Copenhagen. Tel: 3535 4534 Fax: Email: Homepage: |
Opening hours: Tue,Wed, Thur and Sat 16.00 -
01.00, Fri 15.00 - 01.00, Sun and Mon closed |
Number of draught beers: 8 | |
Number of bottled beers: 85 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. Prices:Beer 35 - 48 DEK 50 cl. |
I love the red neon sign that simply says "Øl". A specialist
beer bar with some interesting beers from Danish micros on draught. In the
Nørrebro area of town. The bottled selection has beers from Belgium, Britain, Germany, and Czech Republic. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Cafè & Øl-halle 1892 (in Arbejdermuseet) | |
Rømersgade 22, 1362 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 93 25 75 Email: Homepage: |
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:30 - 16:00 (closed on Mondays November - June) | |
Number of draught beers: 1 | |
Number of bottled beers: 10 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
If I ever get to Copenhagen again, this is top of my list
of places to visit. I had no idea that such an interesting spot existed
in the city centre. This restored beerhall from the end of the 19th century
is housed in the Arbejdermuseet (Workers' Museum). The building was erected
as the Workers' Building in 1879, a sort of early socialist effort to improve
the lot of the working class. They've even got a statue of Lenin (I do hope
that it's in his renowned taxi-hailing pose). In its authentic atmosphere
you can enjoy traditional Danish food and drink a selection of foreign beer
(I'm sounding like a advert here, sorry for the inspirational breakdown). Luckily, they have a Danish beer too. Very much in the spirit of the surroundings is the "Stjerne Pilsner" (Star). A recreation of a beer from the cooperative "The Workers' Brewery Stjernen".The bottles use the original label from 1947. It's brewed by Fuglsang. There's a small selection of Belgian bottled beer including Duvel, Chimay Blue and Leffe Blonde and Brune. It's possible to hire the hall for functions. Note that the beer hall can be entered directly from the street, without visiting the museum. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Ørsted Ølbar & cafe | |
Nørre Farimagsgade 13, 1364 København K. Tel: 3393 6575 Fax: Email: |
Opening hours: Mon - Tue 13:00 - 01:00, Wed - Thur 13:00 - 02:00, Fri - Sat 13:00 - 03:00, Sun 14:00 - 24:00 |
Number of draught beers: 14 | |
Number of bottled beers: 110 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks. | |
Specialist beer pub with stuff from Denamrk, Norway, Germany, USA, Britain and the Czech Republic. | |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Peder Oxes Vinkælder | |
Gråbrødre Torv 11, 1154 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 11 00 77 Fax: 33 13 90 86 Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12:00 - 01:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 2 | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks, meals. Prices:Beer 35 DEK 40 cl., food 80 - 250 DEK |
If you bothered to read the introduction, you'll have spotted
that this is somewhere in which I have actually set foot. As I recall, I
was taken there by a Danish colleague of my wife's, who was meeting all
her mates there for a booze up. I do have vague memories of a whitewashed,
ancient cellar with long tables and benches. The cellar is evidently (and
this is from there own website, so it must be true) based around the remnants
of some vanished monastary. Or perhaps I'm recalling one of those lost evenings in Prague. In the good old communist days, when a whole night on the piss cost around the same as a half of mild back home. But I diverge. I do recall having a very enjoyable time here, though I wouldn't lend too much credence to any of my physical description. I do know, that above it is the restaurant part of the business, which for some reason conjures up the word "posh" in my mind. So remember that this is the Vinkælder (wine cellar), unsurprisingly located in the cellar, that I'm talking about here.. It also sells foreign beers, but my info on what they are and where they come from is nil. Any help with this would be gratefully received. |
Rating: **** (because I had a good time) |
Public transport: |
Pegasus | |
Mysundegade 28, 1668 København V. Tel: 33 31 80 50 Email: |
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Opening hours: Mon-Wed 10.00-23.00, Thur 10.00-01.00, Fri 10.00-02.00, Sat 10.00-02.00, Sun 10.00-23.00 |
Number of draught beers: 12 | |
Number of bottled beers: *-100 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks. | |
Somewhere I would have walked past. It looks very much like
what it used to be - a wine bar - from the outside. A new owner has added
an impressive selection of beer. Inside is a two-room boozer with exposed brick walls. Its a lot cosier than it sounds. The friendly staff make it feel even warmer. The beers are a good mx of Belgian classics, Danish microbrewsw and a few from the other major brewing nations. |
Rating: **** | Public transport: |
plan·b | |
Frederiksborggade 48, 1360 København. Tel: 33 36 36 56 Fax: 33 36 36 57 |
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Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-22:00 | |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: 100 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks 45-100 DEK. Beer 40-60 DEK for 33 cl. | |
In Copenhagen my usual pub radar doesn't work. This is another
pub I could easily have walked past. That's exactly what Mike wanted to
do, despite my protests that it was a genuine beer destination. plan-b (trendily
eschewing upper-case letters) has the look of a dull coffee house. How deceiving
appearances can be. The bizarre (not to say random) ecelctic mix of furniture is just as confusing. It's only when the eyes focus properly on the display counter that you get a true measure of the place. Isn't that all beer? And aren't they mostly different? What the hell is that one? I've rarely been so spoilt for choice. The very friendly, well-informed and helpful owner told me they had 400 different beers. I diidn't count them, but I believe him. He's a nice chap and there were so many beers I wanted to try, the figure can't have been that far off. The extensive bottled selection includes (as well as a whole bunch of Belgian, German, Czech and American beers) Gale's Festival Mild. Who can dislike anywhere that sells mild? Oh, and they've got beers from not just Danish micros (Brøckhouse, Ørbæk), but Swedish ones (Slottskällan, Nils Oscar), too. And Norwegian favourite Nøgne Ø. The obscure Amercian microbrews and odd aged beer are just the icing on the cake. By the time we left, Mike reckoned this was one of the best beer bars he'd visited. You know something - he wasn't far off the mark. |
Rating: ***** | Public transport: |
Cafè Sommersko | |
Kronprinsensgade 6, 1114 Copenhagen. Tel. 33 14 81 89 Fax: Homepage: |
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Opening hours: Mon-Wed 08:00-24:00, Thu 08:00-01:00, Fri 08:00-02:00, Sat 09:00-02:00, Sun 10:00-24:00 |
Number of draught beers: 7 | |
Number of bottled beers: 30 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
This is the first pub I can remember encountering with different opening
hours for nearly every day. Either very oriented to consumer demand or just run by
awkward buggers. The interior is quite a large and spacious, modern-looking pub, with
a chrome bar and red benches along the walls. (If you want to get a clearer image
than whatever my inadequate prose can conjure up, go to their website, where you can
get a 360º degree view.) The photo above has no connection at all with Sommersko,
it's just I great beer sign I once spotted on a pub in Copenhagen (if you look very
closely you can work out that it's probably called Jernbane Cafe). The draught beer selection is only interesting if you're after local stuff or have never visited the Low Countries. Bottled they've got some obvious Czech and German beers, coupled with some others from Belgium. Nothing greatly exciting, but it sounds as if this is the sort of place you would be likely to find the more specialist and experimental beers from Carlsberg. In recent years they've done weird things like brew a Belgian style abbey dubbel. It was top-fermented and the accounts that I have read of it have been generally very positive. Note that they have two guest taps - you could strike really lucky (or be drinking some sickly påskebryg, if you get your timing wrong). If anyone out there in Denmark can correct my wild speculations please E-mail me here. I want to positively encourage you to point out exactly where, and how much, crap I am talking. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Vinstue 90 (90´eren) | |
Gammel Kongevej 90, 1850 Frederiksberg C. Tel.: 3331 8490 |
Opening hours: Sun - Wed 11:00-01:00, Thur - Sat 11:00-02:00 |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: | |
A pub dating from 1916 that is famous for the way it pours
draught Carlsberg. Very slowly, basically, so the at it contains rather
less CO2 than you usually get with keg beer. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Zum Biergarten | |
Axeltorv 12, 1609, Kobenhavn. Tel 33 93 90 94 |
Opening hours: Mon - Wed 11:00-24:00, Thur 11:00-02:00, Fri 11:00-03:00, Sat 11:00-03:00, Sun 11:00-02:00 |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
A large German-style pub. As well as German beer they also have some from one of Denmark's newest microbreweries, Gourmetbryggeriet. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Beer shops
Ølbutikken | |
Oehlenschlægersgade 2, 1663 København V. |
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Opening hours: Wed 15:00 -19:00, Thur - Fri 14:00 -19:00, Sat 11:00 -15:00, Monday, Tuesday and Sunday closed. |
Number of draught beers: 0 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-200 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
Beer shop with a selection of Danish, Belgian, British and
German beers. |
Rating: ***** | Public transport: |
BarleyWine | |
Læderstræde 16, 1201 København K. Tel. 33 91 93 97 Email: bestil@barleywine |
Opening hours: Tue - Sat 12:00 - 18:00, Sunday and Monday closed. |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: +-200 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
Shop selling beer Belgium, Germany, England, and Holland,
as well as from Danish microbreweries. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Høkeren | |
Ravnsborggade 13, København. Tel.: 35 35 32 44 |
Opening hours: Mon 11:00 -17:30, Tue - Thur 11:00 -18:00, Fri 11:00 -19:00, Sat 10:00 -15:00, Sunday closed |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: +-100 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
Shop with a selection of beer from small Danish, British
and Belgian breweries. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Fish & Beer | |
Amagerbrogade 143, 2300 Copenhagen. Tel: 3255 8604 Fax: Email: |
Opening hours: Mon - Thur 11:00 - 18:00, Fri 11:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 15:00, Sunday closed |
Number of draught beers: 0 | |
Number of bottled beers: 300 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
A shop which, for some bizarre reason, sells fish as well
as beer. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
© Ron Pattinson 2002
- 2005